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The Refinery Terrace Lockup Debacle


Jam Session Review for 3rd December.

Well, it was that sort of a day in Altona West. At the urging of Madge, the nebulous Miss H had invited the usual mob to a recording session in the empty lockup at the end of Refinery Terrace. There was Madge, armed to the teeth with a catering pack of Winnie Blues and goonbag of chardy, Miss H, the Vicar, the vicar's wife and a french bicycle salesman, Rotten Ronnie Junior, two postmen called Eric and a somewhat terrified matelot who hadn't got his land legs in time. Who was expected, by Hortense at least, to get out his hornpipe.

If I Can't Sell It, I'ma gonna sit on it was the tune they had in mind, (link below) and once they got going, the racket was so awfully loud the roof got bent. Due to a technical malfunction they recorded the lot. It was so raucous that a nearby flock of cockatoos took flight. They couldn't stand the competition.

Meanwhile, there was a jam session in the Chateau De Plonk, Middle Park's last watering hole but one. Despite everyone having fun, the sound was way too loud all arvo. Col, Jeff, Keith, Mike P, Mike H, San, Roger, Andre, Bruce, Andy, Adam, meself, Gentleman JC, Tony Luxmoore, Malcolm, Elly, Annie, Lisbeth, Aimee and Kevin are all expected to plead guilty, but other than that, it bore only a passing resemblance to the Refinery Terrace Lockup Debacle.

If I Can't Sell It, I'm goin to Sit on It

This week will be our second last jam at the Chateau, (the pre Christmas Bash on 17th Dec. being the last this year).

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