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​This week, the Bowls Club is closing early, so we are off to the Victorian Wine Centre, Armstrong Street Middle Park - it is about 200 yards from the Bowls Club on the opposite side of Canterbury Road.

Avid readers of the Newsletter will know that this is where we run a trio session every Thursday, and at the last count, 18 jammers have got up and played there since we started in October 2021

Steve the genial host will be there to greet you, and space will be at a premium so we will possibly run a smaller combo than usual. The VWC genuinely serves the best chips in Melbourne, and has fine beers on tap. The noise should be deafening within the smaller space (if there is an unseasonal heat wave, we will play outside under the awning). Parking should be a doddle.

3.30pm start. Will be fun - see ya there?

22nd May 2022

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