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This was the first session for the year for the longest running jam session in the Southern Hemisphere. Last year, despite the difficulties of lockdown, over 80 musicians turned up. The sessions happen every week, and entry is free - you get to play with what has been variously described as a band, and/or a bunch of reprobates. We keep going until everyone has had a bash, and the audience is, by tradition, friendly, supportive and only lightly medicated.

Rocking the Bowlo? Well, almost. I am deeply indebted to Captain Chaos for (a) setting up the equipment, (b) running the Jam Session in my absence; and (c) providing a glowing report of the ensuing shenanigans.

It was a quiet affair - 2 keys, 2 guitars, (Michael and Fermin), a sax, a clari, a bass and a violin (Huich) as you do, a lone drummer (Martin) , and Jane, Debbie, Buddy and newcomer Amy on the tonsils. Which department, possibly due to numerical superiority, prevailed.

Props to Adam Fforde and Martin Clifton who, despite playing a part in every trainwreck on the day (were there any?), also played in everything else; and are to be known as the glue department as they held it all together, as a rhythm section should.

Hat of the day goes to Buddy, and the golden voice stays strong. Quiet improver undoubtedly pianist Peter Garam, who also sang and I missed it. And the day was topped out by Amy who leapt the bar, and sang up a storm.

Next week: cheap seats, idle banter, Carlton daft and a bit of gossip. If that doesn't work, we'll throw in a bit of jazz. If that doesn't work, we'll play Little Sunflower, the full chorus, and pretend we like it.


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