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Captain Chaos nearly loses it . . .

And who could blame him – a delightfully riotous assembly at the Gold Street Gossip Shop. Apologies for turning up late, although it might be that everyone else turned up early.

Sir Roger De Coverley, looking remarkably well, and his offsider, Pancho Gonzalez, although it could have been Ricky, were there, and blew up a storm, Jeff was blowing the usual decibels, Will made a too brief appearance, Piers and then Ivan swapped four string and five string basses, and Neil and Vlad held up the rhythm section with “sticks” Findlay and then young Richards A on drums in the bass corner. We had locals and visitors from Sydney and Singapore (Rod, Bette, me sister and Martin, all of whom wisely elected not to play.) Marg arrived, not wearing taps so we let her off the table top dancing routine (or was it the table that we let off ?) Whatever. Kevin got on the tonsils for a coupla lively toons and had way too much fun.

Somewhere in there Captain Chaos played briefly then directed traffic in a variety of interesting directions, He managed to get four different soloists up with four different charts at the same time – does he not realise the rhythm section can only stuff up two toons at once.? Keef and Julian got in a muddle, and Malcolm and meself rattled the ivories.

At which point the Late Miss Smith arrived. She was warbling a treat as I left…

All in all, an afternoon’s entertainment, with no more than the usual train wrecks in there somewhere for good measure. Definitely one of the better jams.

See ya next week? TW

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