This page is for Musician Registration Only.
Band Registration is now Closed.
If you still wish to register your band's interest in playing at the festival please contact Colin Garrett on
Musician Registrations close on 22 March 2023
The Jazz Festival is a voluntary event. Surplus funds after the event, if any, will be distributed to registered musicians as reimbursement towards expenses.
Your Band Leader will advise you that your Band has been accepted.
Once a band is accepted, each musician in the band is required to complete a Musician Registration Details form (by clicking below).
Musicians may play in up to five bands. If you register for three or more bands, it is possible that your registration will disadvantage fellow band members. You only need to pay one $25 registration fee.
Musician Registration Fee
Each musician registration form for those playing in a band of 9 or less members must be accompanied by the Musician Registration Fee of $25. This can be paid online and will be reimbursed after the Festival, subject to the Festival making a surplus.
If you are only playing in bands of 10 or more members, you do not have to pay the fee, but should still register. A single payment will be made to each band leader of bands of 10 or more members.
During registration, you have the option of purchasing a Partner ticket for $60, allowing access to all events at the festival.
Failure to register may disqualify you from any performance reimbursement that may be made after the festival. The fee will be refunded before the festival if none of the bands you are in are selected to perform, and is transferable if you have to withdraw and nominate a substitute.
Contact Details
Your name and instrument details are required so we can contact you if another opportunity (e.g. playing with another band) arises.
Your contact details are important to ensure that any matters arising can be dealt with easily.
If you are in a band of 9 or less members, your bank details are required to make payment to you after the Festival.
Nominate the Bands You will Play In
You can nominate up to five bands to play in. Each band selected will get two, and possibly three, one hour slots for performance at the Festival.
It is important to let us know which bands you are in and your order of preference for these bands. If you nominate more than two bands, this may affect the playing times and venues for the additional bands.
Please make sure that you let your band leader know if there are any problems relating to your availability during the festival in case that impacts on the band’s availability. If you need to pull out of a band or if your availability otherwise changes please advise your band leader immediately as this may impact directly on the timetabling process.
What Equipment Should you Bring
We will provide PA systems, vocalist microphone and stand, a music stand, drum kits (less cymbals) and keyboards at each venue. Bring your own instrument, leads, guitar amps, extra music stands, bass amps, cymbals and drumsticks etc.
Lodge your registration and payment online by clicking on the Register Now button below. You will receive a receipt by email which you should bring to the check-in to speed up registration.
Check In
As soon as you get to the Festival, check in at the Festival Box Office in the Newport Bowls Club, to receive your Musicians Badge and Festival programme. See the website for details of the Box Office.
All surplus funds, after payment of expenses and reserve for future Festivals, will be distributed equally to only those musicians who have registered and paid the registration fee, by EFT only (or by cheque by arrangement with Colin).
Colin Garrett is responsible for Musician liaison. If you have any questions, or if your bank details or contact details change, let us know.
He can be contacted on or at the PO Box address below:
Colin Garrett, Melbourne Jazz Jammers (Qfest Community Music Inc.)
Musician Co-ordinator
ABN 34733065012
Postal Address: Unit 3, 2 Oxford Street, NEWPORT 3015
By continuing to registration you accept all terms and conditions.